Be The Mogul Of Your Household

hi there!


I’m a Midwestern girl who moved to L.A. to follow her dreams. I packed up my little Pontiac with all of life’s belongings (Tube TV, clothes & flip phone) and headed out west. Despite the nay-sayers and my dad’s worry that I would end up a bag lady on Venice Beach, I’m proud to say that taking that risk led to me working as a Producer at E! Entertainment for over a decade on shows such as Live! From the Red Carpet, Sports Soup​, and ​Fashion Police.

Inspired by the Grand Dame of comedy herself, Joan Rivers, I pursued a creative outlet during my wedding planning process and started ​I Guess I Do​ - a comedic blog about the stories you don’t hear behind those pretty pictures. It took off and led me to be a continuous featured contributor for ​The Huffington Post​ as well as an expert for Condė Nast at ​BRIDES Magazine.

Aaaaaaand then I had two kids under two, who completely changed my priorities and flipped my entire world upside down.


My husband went on a work trip when my newborn was 6-weeks-old and my toddler was 20 months. We’d been talking about moving back to raise kids in the Midwest. Upon his return, he asked when I would be ready to move back to Ohio. My response was, “MONDAY!”

I felt like I was drowning. I knew there was one dream Los Angeles couldn’t give me - family to help out. So I once again packed up all of life’s belongings (Car seats, baby carriers, strollers) to head back to the homeland.

After the move, the raging hormones and all of life’s uncertainty led to a battle with postpartum depression.


In seeking help, I realized that I needed to take care of myself first before I could take care of others. Of course I wanted to read tons of finance books so I could invest more, work less, and spend more time with my kids, but I didn’t have the time.

During a breakdown and good cry sesh, I realized that if I felt this way, other moms likely did too. We all wanted to feel better, but simply didn’t have the time or tools to know how. This was when MOMGUL was born.

I wanted to create a platform and community so that no matter where you moved, you knew you always had a home.

And I hope MOMGUL becomes yours...


Xo Raquel



fun stuff

I go by my middle name, but technically my married name is Kelly Raquel Kelley. Yep, you read that right. I was Kim Kardashian’s Assistant on The Oscars Red Carpet. Chunk from The Goonies is my lawyer. I adore all things Prince. The only person to make me star-struck is Stone Cold Steve Austin. I hate coffee but love Bravo.


well hello there.


I too am a midwestern gal who believes everything in life happens for a reason... and while we might not know what that is, it’s important to always trust your gut and have confidence in yourself.

As a born and raised Clevelander, I first truly listened to my gut when I moved across the country to LA for a dream job at E! which is where I met Raquel (thanks BGSU). In LA I learned I could work 24hr days, talent wrangle REAL HOUSEWIVES, and stay poised while getting yelled at by publicists on the red carpet. But nothing could prepare me for the toughest job yet...Motherhood.

After a few years in LA, personal life threw a curveball as it always does, so I followed my gut (and my HEART) and moved back to Ohio to put family first.


But it all worked out, today my Mom is cancer free, I married my best friend, we got our first dog Otis Presley, and were blessed with 2 amazing boys – Colton and Griffin.

One would think I had it all together, however; I was constantly stressed at trying to be the best Mom and be confident at juggling work/home life all while wrangling 2 active boys.


Let’s just say it’s still a work in progress, which is why I’m so thankful for my friendship with Raquel. Through motherhood we’ve bonded over these struggles and that’s how MOMGUL evolved.

Today I’m following my gut yet again and hope you do the same…because every dream, tear, moment, failure, and mistake will only make you stronger.  Now’s the time to go with your gut, & unleash that confidence you know is there!

xoxo, Kristen



fun stuff

My maiden name is longer than the word Mississippi. I worked for Topanga from Boy Meets World. Sixteen Candles & Clueless are my favorite flicks, “Ugh! As-if.” John Mayer introduced me to my hubby (wink). I appreciate a good theme party, especially 80’s prom. I hate birds, but love The Bachelor.




Is a segment we’ll have on our weekly podcast where guests spill the beans on what they wish they would have known in their younger years. Hey, what can we say? We’re TV Producers and turn everything into either a game or a segment.

Here’s our crack at it:



Best career advice?

You’ll never have it all figured out and what you want to be will change as you change in life. And if they tell you you’re crazy, then you’re onto somethin’!

Who to marry?

This person will see you in diapers post-baby. Marry someone who will still look at and love you the same.

Body image tips?

Stop your shit right now, you look great! Oh and stop with the tanning bed - they’ll be looked at like cigarettes in a couple years.

Fashion item to hold onto?

Flare jeans, they make a comeback, hun!

Mom knows best, wish you would have listened?

When she said nothing good happens after midnight, she was right!  Maybe fun, but didn’t feel so hot the next day.


Best career advice?

Be patient, it’s not always about the title, but instead about the experiences you learn along the way that shape your resume, and if they won’t give it to you, create your own.

Who to marry?

Someone who thinks you’re beautiful make-up free and in sweats, who will comfort you when you ugly cry, calm you when you worry and love you always

Body image tips?

Getting your belly button pierced to look like Britney will not look the same, especially post kids.

Fashion item to hold onto?

Anything animal print, it has many lives.

Mom knows best, wish you would have listened?

Stop worrying about what you can’t change. And she still reminds me to do this today, thanks Ma!